Clearly, working well together is essential for maintaining a successful and efficient company, but often this isn’t something that just naturally occurs. Like all working relationships, you need to get to know each other and learn how to work together well.  This is where corporate team building activities flourish. These are events that have been specifically designed to engage and involve everyone in ways that force people to cooperate and work together. In addition to our therapeutic/counseling services, EPIC Adventures specializes in corporate team building with the goal of integrating the powerful interventions of adventure therapy into specially designed programs to help companies form and maintain highly efficient and productive teams within their workplaces

These are some of the benefits that you’ll gain through team building:

#1 Increased Morale:  Nothing breaks up the monotony of every day work quite like a team building day. Not only does this give everyone the chance to get out of the office, it’s a fun day out that people will look forward to. After the event, your staff will be on a real high and office morale should see a real boost.

#2 Improved Relationships: This is what it’s all about, building new relationships and strengthening existing ones. Team building activities are designed with this in mind and you’ll be able to build strong, natural relationships throughout the company. Better relationships lead to increased abilities when working in collaboration, making day-to-day tasks much easier and smoother.

#3 Company-Wide Integration: With improved relationships, you’ll also find that people who typically wouldn’t interact in the office are paired up when team building. While you may not see this as a work benefit, increased integration can help lead to innovative thinking and problem solving in ways that previously wouldn’t have happened.

#4 Increased Productivity: As a direct result of increased morale you’ll see a surge in productivity, however this isn’t just a short term benefit. The team building itself will help your employees work better together, which as a result should enable greater productivity from every team — a huge benefit for your business.

#5 Greater Efficiency: Arguably an addition to improved productivity, you’ll find that your office’s efficiency will increase. With improved relationships comes increased collaboration as well as clearer understanding of roles and improved abilities gained through the team building activities.  You will find that there will be much less wasted time and resources.

#6 Happier Working Environment: Nobody wants to work in a miserable, boring office and by having regular team building activities and encouraging open communication and friendly relationships you can eliminate this possibility. While you don’t need to have these events every month, it can be extremely beneficial — especially to new staff — to carry out activities of this sort at least once or twice a year.

#7 Developing and Defining Roles: Do you find that some people aren’t sure of what their exact role is in their team? They struggle to figure out what they bring to the team? Team building activities encourage people to implement themselves in the best way they know how — this is great for people figuring out their roles within the team, helping to set the analyzers, leaders and ‘doers’ apart.

#8 Building Better Teams: By developing and defining roles among your employees you can put together much stronger teams by placing individuals with contrasting strengths in teams. This will create more efficient, tight-knit teams who work well together and produce great results.

#9 Better Communication: Communication is key and developing relationships that are open can help make everything work much smoother. Team building activities force your staff to communicate clearly and effectively, a skillset that can be easily carried over to the workplace and provide a huge benefit on any day-to-day tasks.

#10 Create a Positive Office Culture: Want to be a fun, lively, creative place to work? Team building activities can help to inject some culture into your office, making it a much nicer place to work and helping to appeal to future employees and customers alike.



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